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The blog contains our opinions and views as well as, where identified, those of others. The content is job market, recruitment and recruitment-technology centric - reflecting our business. We hope you will find it informative and some items even entertaining. It is provided under our published corporate Terms of Use and does not constitute professional advice. Note: content may also be syndicated to other websites, with our Approved Partners free to use and repurpose content as they see fit.

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Google for Jobs

Google launched its new platform for Job seekers in May last year at the i/O conference for Developers.  Called 'Google for Jobs', it's a really interesting development and we think it will - over time -  have a really big impact on the recruitment market.  However, whilst we have some clients that know about it, the launch and its' possible impact seems to have passed most by.  This post we hope will give it wider attention.

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The Cost of A Bad Hire

A great infographic that outlines some fascinating statistics from surveys in the US on why it really is worth getting your recruitment right. 

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Building your attractiveness as an employer

Every employer wants to be an ‘employer of choice’ but not many really feel they have got there.  There are a lot of things to consider, but within this post we have distilled down some key bite sized factors to help you.

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